Bina Gupta encouraged her friends to write
An answer to a letter mailed by a child to Santa Claus.
Not to cross limit of 300 words.
My dear Malia Ann,
I am so delighted to receive a request from the most powerful address in the world.
It was heart warming that you wished for small statue of a person who has been described by Albert Einstein: "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one ever, in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth."
However, such a one would have been amused that you have asked for his statue. He, with a mischievous smile, would have told you, that he is somewhat responsible for you being there at your present address. He would have recited, with a twinkle in his eye, “Thanks to Rosa Parks who sat, Martin King could walk. Martin King walked, so that Barrack Obama could run. And, Barrack Obama ran and ran and ran and reached the White House,” followed by his trademark loud guffaw.
Dear Malia, Gandhiji was the inspiration to all the three of them as he is to all of us. Non-violent resistance to tyranny is what he taught the world. He also had the courage of his conviction to practice what he preached and even laid down his life for it. Unfortunately, the world leaders, including your father, have failed him. Jawaharlal Nehru rightly said, on Gandhiji's death, that the light has gone out. Now it is up to young people like you to bring the light back.
Therefore, greater than keeping his statue would be to read about his philosophy and to spread his message. Hence, along with statue, I am also dropping his autobiography, “My Experiments With Truth,” as surprise bonus gift for you.
And, in keeping with spirit of the season, there is also a complimentary ticket for my dear friend to jingle all the way to India during the next Diwali holiday season.
300 words.